William L. Lee, President
Doris Rogers, Vice President
David Allen*, Treasurer
Amy Bridge, Secretary
“I have spent over fifty years trying to build bridges that allow all of the wonderful diversity in our community to connect. The best and most traveled bridge that connects the dynamic diversity in the Roanoke Valley is Mill Mountain Theatre, built “60” years ago.”
– William L. Lee, Mill Mountain Theatre President
Current Board Members
David K. Allen*
Amy Bridge
Jeremy Butterfield
Kerry Edmunds
JT Fauber
Linda Garbee
Robyn Hakanson, MD
Anthony LaMantia, PhD
Cassandra Laymon
William L. Lee
Laura McKeage
Mark Nayden
Amanda Nelson, PhD
Nancy F. Reynolds
Doris Rogers
Edward Smith
Macy Ware
Sherrene Wells
Board Committees
William L. Lee, President & Chair of Artistic Committee
Doris Rogers, Vice President and Chair of Hospitality Committee
David K. Allen*, Treasurer
Amy Bridge, Secretary
Robyn Hakanson, MD & Anthony LaMantia, PhD, Co-Chairs of Education Committee
Nancy Reynolds, Chair of Nominations and Governance Committee
TBD, Chair of Personnel Committee
TBD, Chair of Development Committee
TBD, Chair of the Production Committee
Sherrene Wells, Chair of Marketing Committee
Laura McKeage, Chair
Kerry Edmonds. Linda Garbee
Anthony LaMantia, PhD
William L. Lee,
Amanda Nelson, PhD
-Hospitality Committee-
Doris Rogers, Chair
Linda Garbee
Matt Shields, Staff Rep
Sherrene Wells
Amy Bridge
Amanda Nelson, PhD
-Diversity, Equity and Belonging AdHoc-
William L. Lee, Chair Laura McKeage
Chris Tucker, Staff Rep
Savannah Woodruff, Staff Rep
Robyn Hakanson, MD, & Anthony LaMantia, PhD, Co-Chairs
Francesca Reilly, Staff Rep
David K. Allen*. Larry Kufel, Staff Rep
Kerry Edmonds
Robyn Hakanson, MD
Eddie Smith
Sherrene Wells, Chair
Eddie Smith
-Nominations- Nancy Reynolds, Chair
David K. Allen*
Robyn Hakanson, MD
Chair TBD
Savannah Woodruff, Staff Rep
*Past President Board of Directors
Mill Mountain Theatre is a public charity, and all financial information and Board policies may be viewed by contacting the administrative offices at 540.342.5730.

Director Emerti
Nancy Agee*
David K. Allen*
George Anderson*
John T. Avis (’09-’14)*
Howard Beck Jr. (’01-’03)+
Jason Bingham*
Guy W. Byrd (’87-’88)
L. Gerald Carter (’89-91)
John M. Chaney (’71)+
Dotsy Clifton (’83-’84)
Sarah Tune Doherty*
J.T. Engleby III
Edwin Feinour (’93-95)
Robert N. Fishburn (’80-’82)+
Victor Foti (’76)
Nancy O. Gray (’18 – ’19)
Macel H. Janoschka (’20 – ’21)
John T. Jessee (’03-’05)
Fowler Johnson (’72)
Timothy A. Kelly (’77)
Mark G. Keown (’78)+
J. W. Langhammer (’75)
Cynthia Lawrence (’14-’16)*
A. Wayne Lewis (’07-’08)*
John R. Light (’05-’07)*
George Logan (’85-’86)
Frank C. Martin (’73)+
James B. Massey III (’95-’97)
Elizabeth H. Muse
Kathryn Oelschalger (’97-’99)
Nancy Ruth Patterson*
B. J. Preas
Curtis Rosenbaum (’79)+
Donald G. Smith+
Maury L. Strauss (’74)
Joanne Thornhill
Will Trinkle (’00-’01)
Michael E. Warner (’91-’93)*+
Past Board Presidents
David K. Allen (’22-’23)
Macel H. Janoschka (’20-’21)
Nancy O. Gray (18′ – 19′)
George Anderson (16′ – 17′)
Cynthia Lawrence (’14-’16)*
John T. Avis (’09-’14)*
A. Wayne Lewis (’07-’08)*
John R. Light (’05-’07)*
John T. Jessee (’03-’05)
Howard Beck Jr. (’01-’03)+
Will Trinkle (’00-’01)
Kathryn Oelschalger (’97-’99)
James B. Massey III (’95-’97)
Edwin Feinour (’93-95)
Michael E. Warner (’91-’93)*+
L. Gerald Carter (’89-91)
Guy W. Byrd (’87-’88)
Dotsy Clifton (’83-’84)
George Logan (’85-’86)
Robert N. Fishburn (’80-’82)+
Curtis Rosenbaum (’79)+
Mark G. Keown (’78)+
Timothy A. Kelly (’77)+
Victor Foti (’76)
J. W. Langhammer (’75)
Maury L. Strauss (’74)
Frank C. Martin (’73)+
Fowler Johnson (’72)+
John M. Chaney (’71)+
*Reinvention Task Force / (Years when President)