The Conservatory Parent’s Guild is a new INCLUSIVE group of Conservatory Parents who have regular involvement at Mill Mountain Theatre and want to be like a ‘PTA for MMT Students’.
Join our FaceBook Group
Join the Conservatory Parents Guild Facebook page, here!
Hear about upcoming meetings & volunteer opportunities on FaceBook!
For more information email: and
- Hospitality Committee: To schedule and organize cast parties for student involved productions. Manage hospitality for Apprentices. Liaison for parents of cast members.
- How-To Parent Mentors Committee: Create resource handbook/how to videos and provide general advice for theatre parents. In the style of ‘wiki’- that all can add to. Invitation to see the material.
- Student Mentor Committee: Fostering educational relationships between students, of all ages. Bigs and Littles in a show: parents matching up students within show or class setting. Organize a mentor ship event.
- Tech Week Food Committee: Provide the cast with nourishment during their technical rehearsals, parents organizing and scheduling food to bring. Being a parent supervisor for eating downtown during technical. Committee members are willing to solicit donations for food.
- Coffeehouse/Outreach Committee: Support student leaders in planning coffeehouse, by booking, planning, promoting.
- Communication Committee: Enhancing communication by streamlining all the events, classes, productions at the theatre, and spreading the word about additional community productions.
- Swag Committee: Organizing and make exclusive/official merchandise that can help support educational department with earned revenue.
- Enrichment Committee: Help organize and find extra curricular activities for Conservatory students. To include: social events, potential travel, and additional education opportunities. Gatherings can include simple settings: movie nights, karaoke, dance night.