An MMT Holiday Tradition, A Christmas Story is a delightful stage adaptation of the beloved 1983 holiday film. Set in the 1940s, the play follows the adventures of young Ralphie Parker, who desperately wants a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas despite warnings from his parents, teacher, and even Santa Claus. Filled with hilarious and memorable moments, from the infamous “triple-dog-dare” on a frozen flagpole to the chaotic family Christmas dinner, this play captures the nostalgic charm and warmth of a classic American Christmas, reminding audiences of the magic and humor of childhood holiday memories.
A Christmas Story
Step into the nostalgic holiday fun of "A Christmas Story," the classic play by Philip Grecian based on the beloved film and Jean Shepherd’s iconic stories, capturing Ralphie’s unforgettable quest for a Red Ryder BB gun!Comedy, Family | November 28 – December 21