Shrek, The Musical (Theatre for Young Audiences version) is a family-friendly adaptation of the hit Broadway musical, based on the beloved animated film. Join Shrek, a lovable ogre, on his quest to rescue Princess Fiona, who has a surprising secret of her own. Along the way, Shrek teams up with a comical donkey and faces off against the scheming Lord Farquaad, learning about friendship, love, and self-acceptance. Filled with catchy songs, hilarious characters, and an uplifting message that being different is something to celebrate, this version is perfect for young audiences and a fun adventure for the whole family.
Shrek, The Musical
Join the hilarious and heartwarming adventure of "Shrek the Musical" (TYA), based on the beloved DreamWorks film, with book and lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire and music by Jeanine Tesori – a magical journey for audiences of all ages!Family, Young Audiences | July 30 – August 10