The classic story by Margery Williams explores the ways love can transform lives. The book, first published in 1922, urges children to consider the philosophical question, “What makes something real?” In 2007, the National Education Association named it one of the top Teacher’s Top 100 Books for Children. MMT’s production will feature student performers, designers, and technicians. As part of MMT’s continuing initiative connecting theatre and literacy, free books will be available for students. Rated: G For Families
Performed on the Waldron Stage at 20 Church Ave, SE.
No Advance Tickets. All tickets are pay what you can and available at the door 30 minutes prior to each performance.
Performance Dates & Times:
Saturday, March 25, 11:00 AM
Saturday, March 25, 2:00 PM
Monday, March 27, 7:00 PM
Friday, March 31, 7:00 PM
Saturday, April 1, 11:00 AM
Saturday, April 1, 2:00 PM