Volunteer opportunities include ushering, wardrobe and technical theatre.
Support the productions and classes directly by making a monetary donation or by becoming a sponsor.
Share the Magic
Underwrite the cost of tickets for the children of low-income families.

Actors. Choreographers. Designers. Directors. Musicians. Students. They all play an important part in bringing the magic of live theatre to the stage. Equally essential are donors, ticket buyers and volunteers—people like you who help make each production possible. Join us and continue the 50-year tradition of locally produced, professional theatre in Roanoke.
Help us continue providing premium productions. Play your part and make a contribution.
By the Numbers
Mill Mountain Theatre 2019*
Arts Events
Total Audience
Youth Audience Members
People Served Through Youth Programming
Free Books Distributed
Multi-Week Conservatory Courses
Actors, Directors, Designers, Musicians, Artists Hired
Mill Mountain Theatre Conservatory Students**
Candid, parent of GuideStar and the Foundation Center, has awarded Mill Mountain Theatre its highest rank for disclosure of information helpful to donors and grantors when deciding whether to support the organization. Click on the Platinum Seal of Transparency to connect with MMT’s most recent data about diversity, finances, governance, and personnel practices.
*Unless otherwise noted, statistics are from MMT’s 2019 season due to COVID-19 cancellations in programming.
**2020 statistic