Donors - Mill Mountain Theatre


Annual Giving Fund Donors

Mill Mountain Theatre is grateful to friends whose donations to the Annual Giving Fund sustain live, professional theatre in the community and enable us to provide valued programs for the community. The following is a list of generous donors whose gifts were received in 2024. Current and past members of Mill Mountain Theatre’s Board of Directors are denoted with an asterisk. If you have questions about this list, please contact Development Director Suzanne Cresswell at 540.342.5761 or


Special Thanks to Good Friends & Sponsors

Standing OvationsGifts of $5,000 or more

Avis Construction Company, Inc.

Shelby and Jason Bingham*

Center in the Square

Ceres Foundation, Inc.

Davis H. Elliot Company, Inc.

Friendship Foundation

Gentry Locke Attorneys

The Sam & Marion Golden Helping Hand Foundation, Inc.

Mrs. Virginia B. Jarrett *

The Louise R. Lester Foundation

The McGuire Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Kathryn B. McQuade Foundation

Dr. Amanda Nelson*

Pinnacle Financial Partners

City of Roanoke Arts Commission

The Honorable Frank W. Rogers, III and Mrs. Doris Rogers*

The Shubert Foundation

Three Notch'd Brewing Co.

Txtur - Fire House One Boutique Hotel

Virginia Commission for the Arts

ProducersGifts of $2,500 to $4,999

Brandon Oaks Retirement Community

Brass Key Design Society

Business Solutions, Inc.

Claytor/Wirt Associates

Davenport & Company LLC

Delta Dental of Virginia

Ms. Sarah Copenhaver and Mr. G. Franklin Flippin, Esq.

Cynthia and W. Heywood Fralin, Sr. *

Linda and Richard Garbee *

HCA Healthcare

Jewell Machinery

Dr. Anthony-Samuel LaMantia Ph.D. *

Marsh McLennan Agency

Punch Boutique

Roanoke College Center for Rule of Law

The Roanoke Jewish Federation, Inc.

Roanoke Natural Foods Co-op

The Roanoke Star

City of Salem

Skyline National Bank

Universal Health Corporation

StarsGifts of $1,000 to $2,499

5Points Creative

Hon. and Mrs. G. Steven Agee*

Ginger and Jack Avis *

Better Sofas, Inc

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Brock, Jr.

Priscilla and Keith Brown

The Candy Store

Carolina Connection

Cary Street Partners Financial

Vickie R. Clarke

Cross, Lavinder, Quinn & Park Dentistry

Constance W. Dahlberg

Davidsons Clothing

Dominion Risk Advisors, LLC

Dunkenberger-Waskey Group at Morgan Stanley

Elk Hill Advisors, Inc.

Lauren and Whit Ellerman*

Diane and Bill Elliot

Entre Computer Center

Sybil N. Fishburn

Joy and Spencer Frantz

Frith, Anderson + Peake, P.C.

Dr. Gary E. Glontz

Dr. Robyn Hakanson and Mr. Erik Moledor *

Mr. Harry W. Hamilton, III

Cathy Hankla

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Higginbotham

Howell's Motor Freight, Inc.

Innovative Insurance Group

Kathryn and Tom Kerkering

Kiwanis Club of Roanoke

Cynthia and Mark Lawrence *

Dr. and Mrs. Lee Learman *

MaryJean and John Levin

CP & MG Lunsford Charitable Trust

Lunsford, A Trustpoint Company

Mast General Store, Inc.

Drs. Bette and Robert McNamara

Miller, Long & Associates, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nave

Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Norris *

Oakey's Funeral Service & Crematory

Debbie and Jim Petrine *

Mrs. Carolyn L. Rakes *

Roanoke Animal Hospital

Roanoke Gas Company / RGC Resources Inc.

Sue Ellen and John G. Rocovich *, Jr.

Savara Hospitality, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Smith *

Steel Dynamics Roanoke Bar Division

Kathy and Bruce C. Stockburger

Ms. Lesleigh B. Strauss

Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Strauss

Sun Tan City & Buff City Soap

Judith and Joel Tenzer *

Dr. Bruce R. Thomas

Charles J. Wehrmeister *

Mr. and Mrs. Barton J. Wilner

Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Yost

Leading RolesGifts of $500 to $999

The Allstate Foundation

Mr. Peter Barber and Ms. Rachel Sailer

Dr. Nathaniel L. Bishop *

Mr. and Mrs. W. Chan Bolling *

Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Bown

Ms. Vickie Clarke

Ms. Dorothy S. Clifton *

Mr. & Mrs. Grimes W. Creasy

Mr. & Mrs. H. Lawrence Davidson

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Hoff

Kendra Scott LLC

Dr. and Mrs. David A. Kinsler

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Lee *

Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Malpass

Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMican

Member One Federal Credit Union

Dr. Suzan R. and Dr. John R. Merten

MKB Realtors

Mr. and Mrs. John D. Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. David Mortlock

Ms. Leisa Mundy

The Newbern Foundation

Ms. Nancy R. Patterson *

Mr. and Mrs. William N. Powell

Dr. Randall R. Rhea

Roanoke Valley Orthodontics

Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Shelor

She's International Boutique

Dr. and Mrs. Bertram Spetzler

Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Vaughn *

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walton

Mr. and Mrs. Damon W. White

Woods Rogers PLC

The Honorable Michael A. Wray

VIPsGifts of $250 to $499

Dr. Felicity Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Alee

E R Bane Trust

Dr. Alfonso Brochero

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Brown

Ms. Helen A. Burnett

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Dill

The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David Dixon, III

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil G. Doyle

Dr. Kevin F. Ducey and Mrs. Minh-Chau T. Dang

Mrs. Kerry Edmonds *

Mrs. Marianne E. Gandee

Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Gilliland

Mr. and Mrs. W. Blair Godsey

The Honorable and Mrs. Robert W. Goodlatte

Ms. Nancy O. Gray and Mr. David N. Maxson *

Dr. & Mrs. J. Bruce Hauser

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hoyt

The Honorable Joseph P. Johnson, Jr.

Mr. Talfourd H. Kemper

Laurence Kufel *

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lancaster

Anna and Tom Lawson

Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Ludwig

Dr. Elizabeth Rice Martin and Mr. Eddie Martin

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McKeage *

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Miller

The Muse Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Nordt, III *

Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Nordt, Sr.

Dr. and Dr. Michael S. Nussbaum

Dr. and Mrs. John W. Pendleton

Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Sandel

Mr. and Mrs. James D. Sheahan

Mr. and Mrs. Raphael M. Traen

UBS Financial Services, Inc

Pamela Westgate

Mrs. Pamela H. Wiegandt

Scene Stealersof $100 to $249

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams

Ali Ahmad

Mr. and Mrs. Carl D. Akers

Ms. Phyllis Albritton

Ariam Allen

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Althouse

AmazonSmile Foundation

Ms. April Amend

American Online Giving Foundation / Benevity

Ms. Cassy Ammen

Anstey Hodge Advertising Group

Mr. Andrew S. Arbury, III

Mr. Philip Argabright

Ms. Ann Armstrong

Ms. Nancy Armstrong

Mr. Colin Arnold

Mrs. Courtney Ashby

Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Ashwell

Ms. Mandy Atkinson

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Aukward

Ms. Patricia Austin

Ms. Lori Baisden

Ms. Suzanne Baker

Mr. & Mrs. D. Stan Barnhill

Ms. Mary Baron

Dr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Basile

Mr. Dustin Bays

Mr. Rodney Beale

Ms. Anna Beard

Ms. Suzanne Bell

Ms. Alicia Besenyei

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Beury

Ms. Kathy Bibb

Mr. Lawrence Bland

Ms. Cynthia Blevins

Mr. Scott Bloebaum

Ms. Lisa Boggess

Reverend Bronwen Boswell

Dr. and Mrs. John Bouldin

Ms. Victoria Braaten

Mr. Joseph Brabant

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Bradshaw, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Branham

Ms. Mary Brewer

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bringewatt

Mrs. Donna D. Brogan

Ms. Blanche Brower

Mr. James Brumfield

Ms. HelenRuth Burch

Mr. and Mrs. Webb Burns

Mr. and Mrs. John Busher

Teri Byers

Ms. Holly Cannon

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Carlin

Ms. Katherine Carpenter

Mr. David Carpenter

Mrs. Jaclyn Carter

Ms. Sue Cathcart

Ms. Brenda F. Chapman

Ms. Cynthia Chappelka

Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Clemmer, Jr.

Ms. Elizabeth Cline

Mr. William Colbert

Mr. Thomas Conlee

Mrs. Angela Corn

Mr. and Mrs. James G. Cosby

Mrs. Jane Coulter

Frankie Courtemanche

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Cribbs

Mr. Steve Cronemeyer and Mrs. Kathryn Vanness

Dr. Erin Cruise

Ms. Catherine Cummins

Ms. Hope Cupit

Mr. and Mrs. Declan F. Daly

Ms. Debbie Dangerfield

Mr. and Mrs. Russel M. Danstrom

Mr. Joseph B. Dashiell

Ms. Margaret Davies

Ms. Janet Davis

Ms. Nancy Deemer

Ms. Janie Dowdy

Dr. and Mrs. F. Joseph Duckwall

Dr. Elizabeth H. Duckworth & Mr. John M. Duckworth

Rebecca Dunkenberger

Ms. Kay Dunkley

Ms. Leigh E. Dymond

Mr. Charles L. Echols Jr.

Ms. Melvina Edwards

Mr. Bradley Edwards

Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Ellett

Ms. Barbara T. Epperly

J.D. and G.W. Eure

Ms. Diana Fain

Dr. and Mrs. Newell R. Falkinburg

Ms. Jenny Falvey-Purviance

Colleen Farmer

Mrs. Jane Farmer

Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Fassie

Mrs. Janet Faulkner

Ms. Elizabeth Ferguson

Ms. Carrie Ferrel

Mr. and Mrs. Raphael E. Ferris

Ms. Karla Fields

Mr. Andrea Fillbrunn

Mr. Charlie Finesilver

Mr. and Mrs. Broaddus C. Fitzpatrick

Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Fitzpatrick

Ms. Shirley W. Fletcher

Ms. Lynn Fryer

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Fuller

Mr. and Mrs. Harford W. Gardner

Dr. Christina Gardner

Mrs. Jennifer Gibbs

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Goodpasture

Mr. Dean Grady

Ms. Julie Graham

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Grant

Ms. Wanda Green

Ms. Shannon Green

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Greer

Mrs. Diana Hackett

Dr. & Mrs. J. Bruce Hagadorn

Ms. Marie Hall

Ms. Amanda Harrison

Dr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Harter

Mr. Jerry Hartman

Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Harvey

Ms. Katherine Havener

Mrs. Barbara Hawkins

Ms. Ann Hawley

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes

Ms. Thelma T. Haynesworth *

Ms. Terri Haywood

Mr. Paul Heinmiller

Ms. Paula T. Hemberger

Ms. Brandie Henderson

Ms. Mariana Hermosilla

Mr. James Hickerson

Ms. Jessica Hilbish

Mr. Frank F. Hill, Jr.

Mr. Nelson Hill

Mr. Robert Hiltonsmith

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hoagland

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hodgson

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Holdgreve

Mr. Ray Hollowell

Mr. Mansell Hopkins

Mr. Matthew Horwatt

Dr. Chris Howard

Ms. Julie Hunsaker

Dr. David Hunt and Mrs. Ellen Aiken

Ms. Sylvia Hutto

Mr. Robert Iseminger Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Janoschka

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Jarrett

Ms. Ann Jennings

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Jernigan Jr.

Marcia and Lewis Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Pegram Johnson, III

Drs. Cynda and Bruce Johnson

Drs. James and Janet Johnson

Ms. Eleanor Jones

Mr. Jonathan Thomas & Ms. Jennifer Juul

Dr. and Mrs. James A. Kelly

Mr. Bain Key

Ms. Layla Khoury-Hanold

Mr. David Kibler

Dr. Kristin Kirk

Ms. Kathy Kiser

Ms. Susan Kramer

Mr. Kurt Kreider


Dr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Kunkle

Ms. Kelly Kuykendall

Ms. Paula Laag

Ms. Jane Labanz

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Laughon

Dr. Katherine Liebesny

LinDor Arts

Ms. Sue Lindsey

Mrs. Ellen Linkenhoker

Ms. Amanda Lockridge

Dr. Rob Logan

Ms. Katelyn Ludlow

Mr. and Mrs. Pat Maddox

Mr. James Mansfield

Mr. David Marchette

Ms. Tara A. Marciniak

Mr. Gene H. Marrano

Ms. Martha L. Martin

Ms. Nan Coleman and Mr. James B. Massey *

Ms. Anne Mastin

Ms. Nancy Mastry

Ms Melissa Palmer

Ms. Lee B. McBride and Ms. Katherine M. Rakes

Mr. Jeffrey McClintock

Ms. Victoria McClure

Ms. Marian McConnell

Mrs. Maston R. McCorkle, Jr.

Ms. Susan McCoy

Ms. Amber McLoney

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMahon

Dr. and Mrs. Robert McNamara

Mr. Ross Meecham

Paul and Robert Metz

Ms. Elizabeth Midkiff

Mr. Brian Milam

Mr. Jeffrey Miller

Mr. Patrick Miller

Mrs. Kristin Mirenda

Ms. Donna L. Mitchell

Mrs. Forrest Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Moore

Megan Moore

Ms. Helena Moreno

Mr. and Mrs. George Morris

Ms Katherine Mortara

Ms. Elizabeth M. Mory

Mr. and Mrs. Gus Moysakis

Mr. Broderick Munsey

Mrs. Cynthia Musgrove

Mr. Robert Myers

Ms. Cheryl Myers

Mr. Kenneth W. Nagele

Ms. Rhonda Neely

Mr. and Mrs. John Nicklo

Dr. and Mrs. James R. Niederlehner

Ms. Connie Nipper

Ms. Betsy Nixon

Mrs. Rochelle S. Nolan

Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Nordt, III *

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip C. North

Dr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Overstreet

Ms. Heather M. Pace

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page Jr.

Ms. Teresa Parmer

Ms. Dale Parris

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Parrott, II

Ms. Jessica Partin

Mr. Jeffrey Pasciak

Dr. and Mrs. Steven J. Pasternak

Dr. & Mrs. Mark Patterson

Judge Richard C Pattisall Retired & Mary H Pattisall

Mr. Danny Paul

Paypal Giving Fund

Ms. Barbara Pendergrass

Mrs. Amy Peterson

Ms. Joan K. Petrus

Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Phillips

Mr. Christopher Pierce

Mr. Donald Poe

Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Porter

Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Powell

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pratt

Mr. & Mrs. Alton B. Prillaman

Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Prince

Ms. Elizabeth Proch

Dianne & Nick Prout

Mr. Len Rausch

Dr. and Mrs. Wayne G. Reilly

Ms. Stephanie M. Reynolds

Ms. Judith Reynolds

Mr. and Mrs. Curt Richert

Father Neal Roberts

Mr. and Dr. Robert Robillard

Mr. Marty Robinette

Ms. Jessica Rodriguez-Privett

Mr. Paul Romeo

Mr. and Mrs. Mickey E. Ross Jr.

Mr. Carl Milton Rowan

Ms. Mary Russell

Mr. and Mrs. Walton I. Rutherfoord

Ms. Ellen Ryan

Mr. Anthony Saldo

Ms. Margie Sanders

Jill Sandidge

Mr. Jason Saunders

Mr. Carter Schaeffer

Ms. Winter Schassberger

Ms. Brynn Scozzari

Ms. Tambria Scruggs-Duncan

Mr. and Mrs. James W. Selvey

Mr. James W. Settle

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Shaffner

Ms. Beth Shelly

Ms. Karen Shelor

Mr. John J. Sheridan

Ms. Alison Sherman

Ms. Sharon Shirey

Mr. Chuck Silverman

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sink

Ms. Karen Skeens

Ms. Diane T. Smith

Ms. Mary J. Snedegar

Mr Michael P Snow

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Snyder

Ms. Terry Southerington

Mrs. Jennifer Sowers

Mr. Steve Spencer

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stapleton

Ms. Diane Stavola

Ms. Donna Stclair

Mr. Michael Stentz

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Stockburger, Esq.

Ms. Kristie Streng & Ms. Jennifer Streng

The Honorable Diane M. Strickland

Ms. Kathy Surbaugh

Ms. Angela Swain

Mr. and Mrs. William B. Symonds

Ms. Christy Taggart

Ms. Betty G. Tate

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Temple, III

Mrs. Mary Lou Temple

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson

Dr. James Thompson

Mr. Craig Thompson

Ms. Elaine Thor

Ms. Anne T. Tiffany

Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Timmermann

Mr. and Mrs. David Todd

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Toone

Ms. Emily Trapnell

Will Trinkle and Juan Granados

Ms. Lynda Tubridy

Ms. Ann Penny Tully

Mr. and Dr. Christopher R. Turnbull

Mr. Joseph Urich

Mr. Robert Vernon

Ms. Madeline Viar

Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Vietmeier

Ms. Julie Villier

Mr. and Mrs. Clark S. Wade

Mrs. Lilburn E. Ward, III

Hugh and Jaye Harvey Wellons

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Wells

Mr. Carl Wenner

Ms. Rebecca Wessinger

Ms. Judy West

Mr. Roger West

Ms. Carol Wetmiller

Ms. Rebecca Whaley

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Whittle

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Wiegard

Maxwell and Patricia Wiegard *

Ms. Heather Wiggins

Ms. Emily D. Wilhelm

Mr. Kirk D. Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Willis

Mr. and Mrs. J. David Wine

Mrs. Hayley Woerner

Mr. Randall Woodford

Mr. George Wright

Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Wulff

Mr. Michael Yager

Mr. Wesley Young

TributesMill Mountain Theatre is grateful to friends whose donations sustain live, professional theatre in our community and enable MMT to provide education and engagement programs for children and families. The following is a list of donors whose gifts we received in 2023 and 2024. Asterisks indicate those who are current and former members of MMT’s Board of Directors. If you have questions about this list, please contact Development Director John Levin at 540-342-5761 or Thank you for your support.

Mill Mountain Theatre is honored to receive donations in tribute and memory of special friends. In 2022 and recently they include:

In honor of Ms. Nancy Howell Agee’s outstanding leadership and her birthday.

Also honoring her being awarded The American Hospital Association's

highest honor, The Distinguished Service Award on April 15, 2024.

by Dr. NL Bishop

In honor of Ginger Poole Avis

by Dr. NL Bishop

and by Elizabeth Marrtin

and by Ted Blair Wilson

In memory of Margaret R. Baker

and by Frances Baker Morgan

In memory of Susan Bowles

by The Janoschka Family

In honor of Amy Bridge

by Ralph and Christine Alee

In honor of Ginger Poole and Jack Avis

by Nancy O. Gray and David N. Maxson, by Mr. and Mrs. Mark. Lawrence, and

by Will Trinkle and Juan Granados

In honor of Ginger Poole for kindness beyond the call of duty!

by Dorothy S. Clifton

In memory of Mervin W. Brower

by Ms. Blanche Brower

In memory of Willeyne McCune Clemens and Dorothy Meyer Hannaford

by Nancy Ruth Patterson

In honor of Spencer and Joy Frantz

by The Barton J. and Jacqueline B. Wilner Family Fund

In memory of Anthony LaMantia's beloved brother, Frank LaMantia

by Mike and Sandra Friedlander and all his colleagues at FBRI

In honor of Cynthia Lawrence

by Dr. NL Bishop

In memory of John R. Light

by Nancy Ruth Patterson

In memory of Griff Lilly

by Robert Metz

In honor of Belle McNamara

by Belle, Bo & Buzz

In memory of Doug Patterson

by Dorothy S. Clifton, Betty G. Tate, Kathy and Ben Temple and Mary Lou Temple,

and Nan Coleman and Jay Massey

In memory and honor of B.J. Preas

by Jane and Jerry Cheadle

and by Dan and Suzanne Brown

and by Nancy Ruth Patterson

and by Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pooley

In honor of the Staff of Mill Mountain Theatre

by Amy Bridge

and by Ginger Poole

In honor of Maury L. Strauss and in memory of Shelia Strauss

by Leslie Strauss

In honor of Julian Taylor, his commitment to peace and wisdom

by Elyse Crane

In memory of Lizzie Turner and contributions to the Elizabeth Weston Turner Scholarship Fund

by Catrina Ankenbrand

and by Donna Batzel

and by Karen and Mark Carlin

and by Daniel Cohen

and by Constance W. Dahlberg

and by Davenport and Company

and by Farleigh Earhart

and by Amy Frain

and by Catherine J. Griffin

and by Haymes Brothers, Inc.

and by Sarah Short Hutyra

and by Henry P. Johnson

and by Olivia King

and by Kenneth and Lisa Laughon

and by Margaret S. Mulcahy

and by Nancy Ruth Patterson

and by Rockydale Quarries Corp.

and by Tina R. Spicuzza

and by Daniel Strelka

and by William A. Stuart II

and by Latane and Randall Ware

and by Lainey and Lee Wilhelm


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Tuesday - Saturday 9:45 am to 4:45 pm   |   Sunday 1 pm to 4:45 pm

1 Market Square SE   |   Roanoke, VA 24011

© Mill Mountain Theatre 2025. All rights reserved.

Mill Mountain Theatre is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization EIN # 54-0792067

Center in the Square   Art Works.   Virginia Commission for the Arts   Actor's Equity Association
United States Institute for Theatre Technology  Southeastern Theatre Conference  Theatre Communications Group  Blue Star Theatres  No More 10 Out of 12s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace Certificate